What could an Air Audit do for your Compressed Air System?
- Reduce energy costs up to 50%
- Reduce maintenance costs up to 80%
- Get the most accurate system consumption data
- Receive documentation on power usage
- Put your mind at ease without any disruptions to your production
Did you know that up to 50% of large scale air compressor energy is wasted due to leaks and suboptimal piping and control settings?
With an air audit from CompressAir, your entire compressed air system can be evaluated for ways to maximize your system’s efficiency and save money by reducing waste. It can also extend the life of your system through maintenance optimizations.
Every system has unique needs that can be improved. Problems like piping leaks, compressor control inaccuracies, and poor flow control can inflate the losses your company suffers. CompressAir’s software can monitor the real-time power and pressure readings of your system to determine the true system demand, without disrupting the workflow of your business.
Did you know that, on average, up to half of the $40,000 a year in energy it takes to run one 100hp air compressor is wasted?
An audit of your compressed air system can highlight the true costs of your system and identify opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce operating costs. In some cases, your local utility might help finance a complete system audit. CompressAir has DOE-certified AirMasters on staff with the expertise to offer both levels of comprehensive air system analysis.

A Simple Compressed Air System Assessment Can Identify:
- Air leaks within the existing system.
- Inappropriate uses of compressed air which cause unnecessary drain on the system.
- System volatility due to demand events.
- Processes most sensitive to low pressure.
- High volume and intermittent uses.
- Capacity control problems.
- Maintenance issues and dependability risks
CompressAir uses the new, easy to use, and understand Sullair software. This software accurately identifies true system costs and opportunities for savings.

NIPSCO Business Energy Efficiency
CompressAir has been awarded Most Compressed Air Projects Savings for three consecutive years by NIPSCO. 718,141kWh were saved in 2016, in 2017 savings of 1.12 million kWH were made and in 2018 CompressedAir saved 1.3 million kWh. This award showcases the outstanding efforts of CompressAir to provide efficient, cost-effective solutions to its customers. It is presented to a Top Trade Ally in Compressed Air by the Lockheed Martin Trade Ally Network for the NIPSCO Business Energy Efficiency Programs.
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